Did you know?

A+ Students has helped thousands of students locally and are on a mission to help just as many kids around the world who do not have the luxury of getting educated.

We pride ourselves in making a change in kids’ lives, so we are actively involed in providing school supplies to underprevileged students around the globe.

  • Almost 50% of kids in Africa don’t have the basic literacy skills to read and write
  • 33 million kids in Africa do not go to school (that is roughly the size of Canada!)
  • In 2010, the earthquake in Haiti destroyed over 4,000 schools and left all the children without the means to get basic education. Half the country’s kids do not go to school
  • 1 in 3 people in South/Central America live in poverty and never received any education
  • In low-income countries, every additional year of education can increase that person’s future income by 10%

Every family that enrols with us will be helping us give the gift of knowledge to kids around the world. So every time your kid comes to you and shows you that A+ by using our program, you will know that you have changed 2 lives that day!

Be a part of this change!!

"You can give someone a dollar and it will last a day or you can give them education that will last a lifetime."